Monday, December 15, 2008


nothing like bitchin about the hustle and bustle in Jakarta.

yes party peeople, im home. been driving these past days with an expired driving license HA HA. but not to worry., im still sane, not stressing out, and keeping my faith that those idiots on the motorbike will eventually come to their senses and drive appropriately (read: not having more that 2 persons in a bike). seriously those families fit all of their members mostly 4 in a single bike. i worry for their kids not their parents.

furthermore, i have yelled at stupid people who think they can drive but obviously CANT. i gave him SH&T! ha ha.

im live from oh la la cafe mal puri indah. it does say up front "FREE WIRELESS hotspot" but it's not. i was only about to get myself a tea but they said that i need to EAT and DRINK to be able to use the internet. ck ck ck. isnt Jakarta beautiful.


Mei Huomo said...

what a wonderful place eh..and people wondering why some people dont like to go back to indo. DUH!

me gonna miss you online often babe.

belongimbal said...

eeeeiii. dont get me wrong, it is a beautiful place especially during lebaran(less traffic n people) and the food is just MARVELOUS. nothing like it.

me missing you already!!!