Tuesday, July 29, 2008

Tedy Hasyim part 2.

i got nothing to do, wide awake. i decided to let you all decide whether my new hair cut is worth $30 bucks.

now people.. be honest. please ignore my facial expression, as i was trying to look "good" for the pic. :P

a taste of the old days

after my first presentation of the semester i decided i should reward myself - this time it's pool. as usual the closest "decent" pool place is princess billiard at carnegie. AK, the usual suspect, is my rival here, yudi and anh (ak's vietnamese friend) tagged along.

while playing pool, some boys put on Craig david on the visual sound. i immediately started swingin my moves, damn! it's been a while. should have copied my hip hop mp3, i left it at home. really missing all those songs. really need to find a good club so i get jiggy with it. ha ha ha..

ah.. the old days, nine ball and hip hop music.

now, back to reality! another debate next monday. Ganbatte!!!!

Thursday, July 24, 2008

Tedy Hasyim

just got my hair cut. i hate it. i just waste 30 bucks for nothing. stupid me. well i thought i was going to get Tony as my stylist, but guess what due to my spontaneous impulse to cut it today, i got some chick instead.

and she is not that good. DARN it, i should have gone tomorrow.

well cant do a thing about it. i was gonna put up a pic of my new hair... but with this thing, i dont think so.


i tell you.. never.. cut your hair at LianaJames.

i miss TedyHasyim. cant wait to get back home and get my hair done properly.

Wednesday, July 23, 2008

something something something

while i was looking for the ultimate comments to be sent back home for icong's wedding, i bumped into a card that says "something old, something new, something borrowed and something blue". then i recall an episode from "Friends" when Monica wanted to get married in Vegas, she was also looking for all those things associated with that something something.

Now, as much as i think my knowledge on western culture is intermediate, i am clueless on this one. I dont know why all those things are needed in a wedding?

Care to enlight me?

At 1.39 AM. i got the answer. dont you just love the internet?

Friday, July 18, 2008

Berakhirlah sudah

J: Hi Gracia.. how are you goin?
G: good! and you?

J: not that busy in the morning ya? oh, i also need to tell you since that it is not so busy anymore, we decided that we no longer need your help for monday. so today will be your last day.
G: oh i see. (blah)

seperti judul di atas, selesai sudah masa masa ku menjadi 'welcome girl' di student service centre hueheuheue.. but i havent taken a picture of myself working maybe later when gaby gets here. hiks .. hiks...

sebetulnya sih saya gembira tidak harus duduk dengan bosan lagi di belakang meja ini, gak harus menjawab pertanyaan2 bodoh orang orang dan tidak harus menjawab caci maki orang dengan senyum.. tapi... sedih karena berakhir sudah masa masa mencari seseuap nasi dan segenggam berlian. Cari dimana lagi kerjaan modal senyum dengan gaji lumayan di sini?



and the picutres of my boring-overpaid-days.see how serious my work is.. ha..ha.. this is when i was checking out stevie wonder tickets..

and here are the ruler of the welcome centre. Me and Gaby.

Thursday, July 17, 2008

almost there

another day as a welcome girl, cant wait to get this done and over with.
extermely bored!!!

Wednesday, July 16, 2008

Billy is rockin OZ

guess who's coming to town!! Billy Joel ladies n gents.

me gonna look for tickets this friday.. gonna get em hehehe..

care to join me?

Tuesday, July 15, 2008


i dont know why this stupid thing still pisses me off. i cant help wondering why? what were they thinking? is this what the world has gone to be? to be honest, none of this is my fault or my doing, but i just cant help noticed how people can just be so F*&^%$^ ignorant and rude. maybe im in the wrong place and the wrong time.

Friday, July 11, 2008

paid off

my results are out. im happy, although for my intl law subject.. i am not so thrilled. im beginning to hate lawyers..

first my prize was not in the amount that was promised and now my grade. HUH.. but i guess the second one was totally my fault? haha.. i refuse to believe so, i work my ass off for that one. HUH. hehehehehe

Thursday, July 10, 2008

look what i bumped into

my horoscope of the day:

"Your intense energy may not appeal to everyone, but you should never try to hide it."

Hell YEAH!!!!!

Monday, July 7, 2008

blogging - new way of getting at things

if you have the time, or simply bored with your live, have a look at the this

that is basically a blog posting from my junior in Parahyangan Cathollic University. the posting is considered provocative, a work of a genius simply because it honestly laid out what is really going on in my beloved campus - the politics they say.

what i would like to highlight is not the essence though, although it is genuis and absolutely entertaining and genius, i would like to highlight the use of blogs as an arena for a peaceful discussion, an open-minded sharing sphere. Moreover, a peaceful way of exercising democracy. Now, i dont know whether or not there are fights beyond the blog discussion. But so far, i am seeing this blogger and blog post as an improvement of how the younger generation are discussing issues amongst themselves peacefully.

This would signify how "old" i am. A dinosaur in using technology and internet to excel my abilities in writing and creating discussions. I am aware that my blog is limited, (too) personal and is limited to my life. I really do hope within time, i would be able to produce something that i am willing to share with the world, without being afraid of what might occur out of it. I am still a baby in terms of exposing myself to the world. In my defense, i do this because i have been hurt so many times the wounds are not even dry yet. nevertheless, i should not let this stop me, as they say "What does not kill you, makes you stronger".

As for my juniors, i am really proud of you all (too bad you wont be able to read this post) and i hope i can be as brave.

Sunday, July 6, 2008

Tentang Kamu

Adakah kau merasakan juga, cinta yang selalu hidup di jiwa ku....
Tak tau mengapa dirimu begitu indah, membuat ku slalu ingin di dekat mu.

Friday, July 4, 2008


they say a picture paints a thousand word. This is my comment on your complaints.

Thursday, July 3, 2008

Welcome Girl

Hail to the welcome girl!!!

yes, that's me for the next two weeks. I am starting my work again at the Monash Welcome centre. me sitting behind the desk, smiling and answering questions, giving out monash bags. Yeah, a really challenging job.

picture coming out soon. :D me at the work place, paying for my shopping addiction.

Tuesday, July 1, 2008

ADAM weekend

another OZ debating competition i entered last weekend. no preparation, no practice, last minute team matching, gone down with a cold, won only one round and didnt even go to the last round. But i did get myself a taste of turksih dish and chinese noodle box.

im beginning to understand why young people are always the one with the spirit and energy, cause once you get older, you had enough, it doesnt seem to have the same take on you anymore. you are comforted by the fact that life is not about winning anymore, and there is more to life than winning. or maybe im just saying this to comfort myself from not being the eager-winning-biatch anymore.

as i look back to my joyous debating era, i can see that i was once an eager biatch that sets her heart on taking the world. and i had my partner in crime and i always had the better team and position. whilst here, i am no one, a newbie, with other newbie that is not exactly the top-debater-of-them-all. this all might just be my excuse to make me feel better, but seriously, now i know what it's like to look at me in a debating competition. im crippled without my wingman and my legacy. so this is how if feels to be on the other side of the coin.

as i went from one competition to another, i kinda enjoy being under the radar, i was given the challenge to proof that i am someone, or at least are good in something. but, the agony of going over the process endlessly comparing what you had and what you are going through raises its own debate in my head. why do i even bother? i set my heart on joining MAD (Monash Association of Debaters) this semester (checked) and got so irritated by the competition with a fellow indo debaters (whose name should not be mentioned), and finally settled with the agreement that im in it for the love and fun i had for debating and that it should not in any way bother me on whoever or whatever situation i might encounter during the process. so far, my effort should be rewarded. im still alive n kickin, not so thrilled about winning though - odd.

i am grateful for the chance i got, not everyone gets the chance to taste all the world has to offer - the good and the bad - What i need to work on now is how to put the bad as a lesson and a reminder of how i have lived a good life and is grateful for having it. Thanks for asking me to joing your team Jenny - Will, it was a pleasure to be in a team with you guys.