Thursday, June 28, 2007
practice ah.. makes perfect la...
if i were the student i would say "yeah right!!!"
ideally speaking, practising your english IN an english speaking country would be the ultimate solution to improve you english. at least i would think that way, but what if.. you are in an english speaking country, yet everyone around you speaks your native language... well ladies and gentlemen,say bye-bye to your english.
this is exactly how i feel, before i go into details, this post is not meant to discourage anyone or any instituion, it's just a mere frustration of mine, i think it's that time of the month that i get cranky over stupid things.
back to my explanation, it;s been a month living in an english speaking country, yet i just realized that i am probably only using 20 percent of my english-speaking ability. now, why is that?
first and foremost, im not teaching english anymore, goodbye to at least 4 hours of speaking english a day.
secondly, im around people that speak english, yet they all dont use it or only listen to people speak english and reply in bahasa...
if this is how it's gonna be from now on, then i dont think i will come back to my home country with an OZ accent. moreover, an OZ friend hehehe. cant believe at the number of my people in this city alone. gosh... hehhe.. the weather sure feels like another country, yet, im still living my old life, even less..
dont really know what to do with it, especially because i found new, cool, exciting acquaintances hehhe.. hopefully this will change. most of my friends join clubs and english society to gain a better practice in english when we are in INDO yet.. once we got here, we just switch back to our native language. huh? is this a pattern? people basically want to speak a language that is not commonly used in a country? so that people wont understand if we're talking about them? or simply we dont feel comfortable about our english profieciency?
enlight me please??
Wednesday, June 20, 2007
Healesville Sanctuary
Now, my journey started with as you can see six degrees celsius in Clayton and by the time we get to healesville, it felt like the temperature dropped 3 degrees.God.. freakin cold there.

the one place where you could be avoided hehhee.. this sign was in the Australian wildlife health centre, a hospital for injured animals inside the sanctuary.
see this is the actual place for the tazmanian devils, since he's asleep, we took his playground. WE DEVILS!!!
and last but not least, meet "pinky", some tree bird hehe she got yellow tongue and can turn into a tree-bark-like shape when he feels threathen. you know what, pinky here eats mouse *urgh* and our beloved doctor "ronny" fed him by hand. eiuh.. dead mouse ronny.. hellow???
overall, the trip was deliberating... it was nice to get away from buildings n campus centre for a day, the one hour trip was okay, my god... beautiful views but i was sleeping all the way that's why i got no picture of it. would do it again just to see the devil's in action.. roar...
Friday, June 15, 2007
i choose Bandung!!
several things helped me made my decision.. but.. this conclusion is subjected to change. who knows.. i might enjoy living here more as i go along.
firstly, i understand that everything here (melbourne) has a procedure that we have to follow. for example when someone is sick or fell down, we can immediately help them , well we can but we have to be aware of the consequences, because there's actually a law that allows the person that we help to sue us if their condition got worst. Isnt that just creepy?
where i come from, when someone fell down, people come and help. but not here,,, hehhe i understand also that yes when you fall down here and scream "HELP" people will help you.. but if you dont.. then .. beware.. This is where i agree that my hometown is friendlier sometimes too friendly.
what happened was ... im on a train to the city, meeting point for my 3rd excursion, and suddenly the train i was in stopped. the rain was an old one looked exactly like "jabodetabek" train or probably a "depok" train. it turns out that the train before us had to wait for an ambulance because someone in that train was "ill". Due to safety procedure, no one wants to more the "ill" person therefore the train remain still in south yarra station and delayed my train for like 35 minutes.
i was like.. "what da f**&????" why cant anyone carry that sick person inside the station so that the train can move along and my train can pass?? back home, people would immediately move that "ill" person (without thinking that it might be bad for him to be moved) and get the train going or probably some will jump off the train and continue their journey. hahhaha.. come to think of it.. still we can get to a certain point faster or longer in jakarta, but same or longer here.
on this point, i pick bandung hehhe.. everything is close to get around, not too bad of traffic and public transport is feasible.
secondly, the weather.. my dear GOD... im freezing my ass of here.. yes i wanted to taste four season in a year. but this is madness. but luckily so far i can manage. Jakarta, well most people would say jakarta is hot and dirty,,, but surabaya is hotter and cirebon -a big NO NO- again, i choose Bandung. we can get all the sun we need and still not sweat at all day long.
finally, places to go shopping and transport when carrying a large amount of stuffs. Jakarta or Bandung or any other major cities in Indo, you can easily hail a bluebird when you are carrying lots of things, yes the fare is much more expensive that catching the bus, but it's worth it (excluding heavy traffic condition). Here.. hehheh we carry everything by ourselves and taxi fares are ridiculous compare to bus or tram. eventhough we can catch the bus or tram, it would still be hard when you are carrying lots and lots of things.
conclusion, jakarta may be too hectic n crowded but i know my way around and i'll probably be able to do the same here. yet, bandung was never too much of a hassle for me.. and the weather is just perfect. enough sun and perfect evening(especially for hanging out).
Sunday, June 10, 2007
interesting P.o.V
When talking about developed countries, for sure, order and structure and clarity in every means of living is established well by the government. Yes, it gives a sense of security that you may never get easily in a developing country (emphasize on "may never"... not never). But is it all that? i may not be that person that enjoy Jakarta very much, but it has never frustrated me to the point where i want to "get the hell outta here or im gonna die" situation (even when my house was flooded up to my thigh). Most of the time - for me - it's all about how you get yourself to go about it.
Im aware that there are a lot of things that needs to be fix by my government and they dont seem to be that eager to finish it. Nevertheless, do we really deal with this government issue every single day of our lives? so that would be enough to make someone leave?
then if your answer is yes, you would definitely be in the group that would never come back, and if your answer is no, most likely you are like me. You realise that Jakarta may no be the best city in the world to live in, but you dont mind living there due to certain situations and you are not eager to live anywhere else (unless you are offerd a job that pay 100K, hehhehee).
well... i cant draft my conclusion at the moment, but i know that dont mind going back. someone might leave their hometown out of many reasons. but putting those reasons aside (meaning personal issue) and just consider the demographic and geographic of the particular city, where would you live??
Monday, June 4, 2007
gone wild at the outback!!
the first thing we did once we got there.. was warm ourselves with some "dampar" - i have no clue on how to spell it, but festy said this is how to write it- and herbal tea. so brigitte -the guide- told us that this dampauw is the food tha people eat when they are in the outback, no steak n caviar of course hehhe.. you guys will see me making my own dampauw and burn it on the fire.

to see how the sheep is guided by the dog so that we can touch their thick wool heheheh
those wool was really soft, and when shredding the sheep you would always have to put and hold the sheep between your legs.
after the sheep.. they got cow -buttercup-, and you can see that im smiling when i was milking her yet i was petrified. then we went to see wombats.. fed kangguru's, goose and ducks. everything was so new to me. i know indonesia has cattle farm.. but never actually been in one. btw, everyone got a chance to milk buttercup rite, but after "Adji" tried, she took a dump hehhee, thank God i was nowhere near.

and the best part is.. FREE LUNCH!!! nice halal chicken with gravy and veggies.. served with australia's very own white and red wine.
until next time guys..
Sunday, June 3, 2007
sunday my day
started easy during the day.. no morning alarms.. no rush..
i ended up vaccuming my room, i decided that a little cleaning up was in order.. cleared my day from touring around melbourne's city but decided that i need to go out at some point in the day.
had a very lovely and delicious dinner at pinky pizza - who would have thought a joint like that has good taste heheheh - with gangs of 8weekers hehehe.. dont know why i cant stop typing "hehhehe" , it just so me ....
anyway.. still cant stop crying when i hear my mom's voice.. i do miss her and love her very much. i gotta be brave and motivated.. life is about challenge and getting our goals to make those who have sacrifice lots for us proud.
Mr. B is coming tomorrow.. dont really think i can hop by and meet him instantly.. but will try to find a way..
what else?? i thought i had lots of thoughts before i decided to make this blog.. where are they now?? hehhehehheheheh hopefully it will linger soon.. would be a total humiliation to leave this space blank :P
Saturday, June 2, 2007
numero Uno
never thought i'd be tempted to make one of these free-for-all to see journal. but due to the circumstances, i decided there is no harm in trying... especially these past week i've been given an enlightment and thoughts throughout.. signifiying my journey in my new town. Melbourne.
so this is where my writing starts.. hopefully i'll enjoy it as much as i hope it would be..