Sunday, June 3, 2007

sunday my day

one very easy sunday...

started easy during the day.. no morning alarms.. no rush..

i ended up vaccuming my room, i decided that a little cleaning up was in order.. cleared my day from touring around melbourne's city but decided that i need to go out at some point in the day.

had a very lovely and delicious dinner at pinky pizza - who would have thought a joint like that has good taste heheheh - with gangs of 8weekers hehehe.. dont know why i cant stop typing "hehhehe" , it just so me ....

anyway.. still cant stop crying when i hear my mom's voice.. i do miss her and love her very much. i gotta be brave and motivated.. life is about challenge and getting our goals to make those who have sacrifice lots for us proud.

Mr. B is coming tomorrow.. dont really think i can hop by and meet him instantly.. but will try to find a way..

what else?? i thought i had lots of thoughts before i decided to make this blog.. where are they now?? hehhehehheheheh hopefully it will linger soon.. would be a total humiliation to leave this space blank :P


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