but it was all worth it, or at least this is what i like to believe. i got myself a new pair of onitsuka tiger and a fossil bag :D yippie..
i've been drooling on these two items since 3 months ago or so. and they were all on SALE! yes people.. ON SALE. at first i was worried cause the shoes i wanted was no longer available but i now believe that when things are meant to be yours, there will always be a way for you to get them ahahahahahah
i had doubt when choosing to buy this bag or the eastpak one i had my eyes on. the store even gave further discount on the bag since i had already bought the shoes. having consulted several insipiring people i chose fossil hehehehhe *wink *wink. guess im getting more and more mature now, need more "grown up" stuff and less sporty things. although the onitsuka is sporty and young. just look at the color :P
what makes me even happier, despite the shitty melbourne weather and rain, is the fact that it felt like the world is conspiring towards my needs. once i got to the bus stop, the bus was there, i didnt have to look long for boots, the model was there, even when the size i wanted was not there the city store got it and it's already on hold under my name. fossil and onitsuka was on sale on items that i wanted. the bus home was also readily available, i didnt have to wait long. the train to the city was also there once i got to the station, i didnt have to wait. i might be exaggerating when i say this but it feels like everything was arranged in a way for me to make my way easily everywhere today.
the day goes on with nice convo with sylvi and anna at time out at fed square. sop buntut dinner at nelayan (freakin spent 10 bucks on this) and drinks at some bar on franklin with osh.
one fine day i may say.
ps: since i cant spill one tiny period section of today's journey here which i dont want to forget, let me just write down something to get back to this moment. - the things you DO to not forget him, yet again "wuuuh,, sounds great he3.." -
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