if you have the time, or simply bored with your live, have a look at the this
that is basically a blog posting from my junior in Parahyangan Cathollic University. the posting is considered provocative, a work of a genius simply because it honestly laid out what is really going on in my beloved campus - the politics they say.
what i would like to highlight is not the essence though, although it is genuis and absolutely entertaining and genius, i would like to highlight the use of blogs as an arena for a peaceful discussion, an open-minded sharing sphere. Moreover, a peaceful way of exercising democracy. Now, i dont know whether or not there are fights beyond the blog discussion. But so far, i am seeing this blogger and blog post as an improvement of how the younger generation are discussing issues amongst themselves peacefully.
This would signify how "old" i am. A dinosaur in using technology and internet to excel my abilities in writing and creating discussions. I am aware that my blog is limited, (too) personal and is limited to my life. I really do hope within time, i would be able to produce something that i am willing to share with the world, without being afraid of what might occur out of it. I am still a baby in terms of exposing myself to the world. In my defense, i do this because i have been hurt so many times the wounds are not even dry yet. nevertheless, i should not let this stop me, as they say "What does not kill you, makes you stronger".
As for my juniors, i am really proud of you all (too bad you wont be able to read this post) and i hope i can be as brave.
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