Thursday, September 4, 2008

2 things on Thursday

procrastination got me my fascinator today. it is a head-piece for the upcoming horse-race im going to attend. it's cute, at least according to me. pictures will come later, as i really, like really, need to start my intl inst n orgn essay.

and another thing, i got my flight itinerary today. manage to secure the same flight as "si ndut". so people.. look out.. i'll be going back on dec 12, 2008. geesh, i never thought that this is it, although i have to admit i have been waiting for the day i end my essay-writing-agony.

ok. that's it for now. need to get back to my essay (again).


Mei Huomo said...

it seems so fine being you when your future is just offered by other people other than looking around endlessly like i do. im so proud of you!!


belongimbal said...

thank babe.. but dont forget that not all the things that i got now is handed to me, i still gotta work my ass off.

remember those endless days commuting jkt-bdg every week? well it's not that bad because i enjoyed getting away from jakarta and bandung is a got place to do that, but still, i can easily say no and be spoiled.

one more thing.. your future is what you make of your day now. fight for you future, i know waiting is not pleasant but when the time comes, the waiting does pay off.