Sunday, July 25, 2010

Culinary Hunt

During the school holidays, I bumped into many, many, many (believe me there were many) playing zones, hunt games for kids, or just games.

I started wondering.. why dont I make my own hunt.
Instead of doing the old treasure hunt (since, really, there is no more treasure. it's all been dried up just like Indo's forest and natural resources); I decided to try.. again try to make a series of culinary hunt.

the rules are simple, I give hints, you guess...

Culinary hunt #1
one of my favorite dish. definitely meat. definitely buttery...
the color of the place makes you think "what has got into him when he decided to use this one?" it makes you think of hello kitty.
too bad i gotta wait till sundown to enjoy it, nonetheless, every meal always ( and i mean always ) made my day!!

ps: for now, the hunt sits in the capital city of west java..

Saturday, July 3, 2010

When we express things

in my spare time (read as avoiding and denying the reality of research proposal writing) i googled what people are doing. people namely past acquaintances, past memory, things and places of what is used to be.

then i bumped into picture that confirms newly acquired news. that it is true, people go to various length for acknowledgment and affirmation from their surroundings.

as I am also dwelling with ways to picture myself in further education, i am thinking, should i do the same? do i need to imprint my goals in real objects or places?

as for research purposes, i should, questions asking if you have any published materials hurts my eyes every time.

as for societal purposes, not today, not now.

as for you, i believe that whatever the purpose of your publication is, it would be nice to see it be done for good intentions, for once (hopefully).

ku tak tahu

at this point,

any questions directed to me will be getting this sentence as a response:

"i dont know!!"