Saturday, July 3, 2010

When we express things

in my spare time (read as avoiding and denying the reality of research proposal writing) i googled what people are doing. people namely past acquaintances, past memory, things and places of what is used to be.

then i bumped into picture that confirms newly acquired news. that it is true, people go to various length for acknowledgment and affirmation from their surroundings.

as I am also dwelling with ways to picture myself in further education, i am thinking, should i do the same? do i need to imprint my goals in real objects or places?

as for research purposes, i should, questions asking if you have any published materials hurts my eyes every time.

as for societal purposes, not today, not now.

as for you, i believe that whatever the purpose of your publication is, it would be nice to see it be done for good intentions, for once (hopefully).

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