Friday, July 18, 2008

Berakhirlah sudah

J: Hi Gracia.. how are you goin?
G: good! and you?

J: not that busy in the morning ya? oh, i also need to tell you since that it is not so busy anymore, we decided that we no longer need your help for monday. so today will be your last day.
G: oh i see. (blah)

seperti judul di atas, selesai sudah masa masa ku menjadi 'welcome girl' di student service centre hueheuheue.. but i havent taken a picture of myself working maybe later when gaby gets here. hiks .. hiks...

sebetulnya sih saya gembira tidak harus duduk dengan bosan lagi di belakang meja ini, gak harus menjawab pertanyaan2 bodoh orang orang dan tidak harus menjawab caci maki orang dengan senyum.. tapi... sedih karena berakhir sudah masa masa mencari seseuap nasi dan segenggam berlian. Cari dimana lagi kerjaan modal senyum dengan gaji lumayan di sini?



and the picutres of my boring-overpaid-days.see how serious my work is.. ha..ha.. this is when i was checking out stevie wonder tickets..

and here are the ruler of the welcome centre. Me and Gaby.

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