Wednesday, July 23, 2008

something something something

while i was looking for the ultimate comments to be sent back home for icong's wedding, i bumped into a card that says "something old, something new, something borrowed and something blue". then i recall an episode from "Friends" when Monica wanted to get married in Vegas, she was also looking for all those things associated with that something something.

Now, as much as i think my knowledge on western culture is intermediate, i am clueless on this one. I dont know why all those things are needed in a wedding?

Care to enlight me?

At 1.39 AM. i got the answer. dont you just love the internet?


lastlifeinmyuniverse said...

it's only a tradition and it's supposed to be good luck if you have all 4 items fulfilling those requirements.

Ica J A W A said...

Oh..iya, gue inget episode Friend yang itu. Hem, akhirnya gue ngerti maksud lu dengan something2 itu. :)

Thanx girl....something oldnya gue dah punya, ada elu sebagai ma old friend. hehe..

belongimbal said...

whoa.. ha.. ha.. ha..
semoga arti old friend ini tidak harafiah yah.. maksudnya udah kenal lama.. bukan literally "old" haha..

me in denial :P